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What is BentTree?
Trees bend to reach their source of life. BentTree is about helping people do whatever is necessary to connect with God through Jesus Christ.
Jason Blight
God created trees to be able to bend and contort themselves in whatever way is necessary to have access to the sun in order to grow. They will take whatever means necessary to find sunlight for their branches. In a dense forest a small tree will shoot-up fast and straight to try to get its branches above the taller trees. Near the edge of a forest especially along the side of rivers and lakes small trees will bend themselves in order to reach out from under bigger trees to find sunlight.
This is the idea of BentTree. To take whatever measures necessary in order to grow in Christlikeness. We have access to God through what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. BentTree is about taking extreme measures in order to connect with God and grow in His grace. We will do this primarily by using spiritual disciplines which have been used for centuries to grow in God’s grace. Richard Foster writes about how the disciplines are a means of grace. We are not trying to earn God’s favor. We are simply taking every necessary step to connect with God’s Spirit so that we can grow. God has created us humans that in order to do something well we must discipline ourselves and put forth the effort in order to learn.
It is true from the very beginning when a small child learns how to walk or feed ourselves. There are very few things that we automatically do well. breathing is one of them. We must learn to talk. those things don’t seem like discilines and effort when a child is doing it, but watch closely and you see them trying over and over again each day. You see them failing many time, but they keep trying. They fall down, but get right back up as soon as the crying is finished. Try learning a new language and discover just how difficult it is to learn how to speak.
It is true for almost everything we know how to do well. At some point we disciplined ourselves to learn it. Sometimes we love it so much and desire it so greatly that it doesn’t feel like discipline. It is a joy.
To live like Jesus we must train ourselves in the same way that he trained himself. We wouln’t try to be a professional baseball play without practicing like they practiced. so we have to practice like Jesus in order to become like Him.
The Creator
The creator of BentTree is Jason Blight. The project is born out of a curiosity to understand and experience lifechange into the image of Christ. Early in ministry I spent time in youth ministry and various camp settings and wanted my ministry to really make a difference. I knew the Sunday School answer, that Jesus changed people, but I saw people come to know Jesus, but saw little change in their lives.
During college I had my eyes opened to Jesus’ model of investing in a few chosen people that could then train others. I realized that most of our strategies were helping people believe that Jesus died for their sins, but we weren’t really helping them follow and become like Christ. They were missing out on the true life and freedom that Jesus offers. After a few years trying to put this into practice in a local church I realized I had a lot more to learn about how people grow in Christ likeness. I signed up for grad school at Wheaton College with part of the experience being at their camp, HoneyRock.
HoneyRock was born as a wilderness camp offering challenging experiences in the midst of a strong community of support to bring about lasting growth. I began my experience at HoneyRock with an 18 day wilderness trip with a small group of other grad students and instructors. We lived simply, carrying everything we needed in a pack. We saw the Lord continually around us in his creation and as we openned His Word. We spent two days in silence, solitude, and fasting on the shores of Lake Superior. This was my first experience with spiritual disciplines and I noticed differences in my life. They weren’t instantaeous, but they were real and they were lasting. My heart was being shaped like Christ’s. I was loving and compassionate towards others in new ways. Sins that I had struggled with weren’t even a thought anymore.
I continued to look for answers as I experienced the disciplines shaping me, but I had no Idea how. I had questions like how could fasting have anything to do with my spiritual life? Why would solitude make changes to how I loved people? Silence just seems rude. How could that make me more Christlike?
I read some great books on how to practice spiritual disciplines as well as some very insightful information about how they can make lasting change possible in your life.
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We would love to talk about spiritual growth.
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17333 E Katy Track Rd
Nevada, MO 64772